20 Important Lessons from “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”
Robert Kiyosaki, author of the book explains smart ways to escape this “rat race”. I have summarized the book for your quick, better understanding. Please note that this book has very big impact on my life and my goals.
Summary from the Book:
A “Green” Mystery
An Anatomy of an Internet Minute
Commercial Excellence Award
Yes, that was a reason behind getting the award. It was Commercial Excellence award for 2018. It set the tone for what to expect from me in future & also set high benchmark in the company. Thanks to the project team who made it possible.
Delivery Excellence
Eco-friendly Plastic Bottles
As we daily read in a newspaper that PET bottle is not only a major source of pollution but the face of pollution & found in abundance at the bottom of the ocean. Coco cola alone sells over 110 billion PET bottles every year. So, you can imagine the number of bottles being consumed annually worldwide. So, why don’t we use environment-friendly glass bottles instead of PET bottles?
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Konark 2018
Congratulations! We are pleased to announce that you have been raised to the status of KONARK in the Organization. This has been done past your nomination and further evaluation by the central Jury. This by no means is a simple thing! Read More…